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We'll Make Your Ecommerce Brand An Extra 15-30% Per Month Within 60 Days... Or You Don't Pay

If you're a brand owner making over $50K/month but struggling to add extra revenue with Email Marketing, you're in the right place.

Added an extra $65K/month to Tanisha's new brand:

"Our open rate increased by 40%, and that's not all, our revenue increased by 25% (an extra $65K/month), just in 60 Days from pure email marketing."-Tanisha Jamison

Divyesh Luhar

Hey, I'm Divyesh, the founder of Copyark, with 3+ years of email marketing experience.CopyArk has helped 35+ companies generate over $2 million in revenue through effective email marketing strategies.Our goal is simple: We want to help businesses establish an additional revenue stream that contributes significantly to their overall income, typically amounting to 1/4th to 1/3rd of their total revenue.